Where: Mountains Community Resource Network Meeting Room, Lawson
When: Wednesday 13 February 2013 at 6pm
Attendance: Neil McGlashan, Ray Richardson, Clive Barker, Paul Vale, Mike Purtell, Elizabeth Mitchell, Susan Jalaluddin, Maeve Dunnet, Peter Chrismas
Apologies: David King, Ivan Jeray, Neil Stuart, Rob Agars, Margaret Tafe, Jenny Hill
Meeting opened: 6.17pm by the Chair, Ray Richardson
Acceptance of Previous Minutes (Nov 2012) Paul, Mike
Matters Arising from Previous Minutes
Recreation, Sport and Fund raising events on Bushcare Sites
Paul received correspondence from NPWS and Council and spoke to Michael Hensen from Council but it was decided further follow up is needed. What the network would like is the documentation used to access these events.
Action: Paul to talk to Matthew Chambers, and write again to NPWS.
Reprint of ‘Living near the Bush’
Susan is back on board to do the bush, gardens and plants. The publication will be loaded online as it is updated.
Notifications of Developments
Paul circulated a letter emailed earlier today to Councillor Van der Kley, asking him to investigate why the resolution of 12 October 2010 to notify the bushcare office of all DAs for property adjacent to bushcare sites has not been properly implemented.
Survey of Bushcare volunteers
Update provided to the network on survey that I (Ray Richardson) will let them know the full details in April.
2010 photographic project
It was agreed that it was important that these photos be recorded in local history; and
- that this work should not be at the expense of the normal support for the program, hence a grant should be sought.
- that a local history grant be sought to ensure this project does not compete with on ground works;
- that all groups with historic records, some dating back over 20 years should also have them recorded in a complementary project.
Ongoing: Ray to keep an eye on grants that maybe suitable
Bushcare Major Day Out — Erin
The site that has been nominated is Valley Heights for this year and the concept was explained. For more information see the website.
Fire effect on weeds project — Paul
Update provided on the Centenary Reserve Project which involved monitoring weed growth, particularly gorse and broom, after fire. The 2ha site is the oldest Bushcare site in the Mountains and in November 2011 6 study plots were set up: three in the burn area and three in the unburnt area.
The local Bushcare group carried out weed and native species counts, measured fire intensity and then counted 10,000 gorse seedlings germinated from 5 parent existing Gorse plants.
We have decided to close the project after its two year anniversary due to lack of people power. The study has proven that there is a clear difference in weed germination between the burnt and unburnt plots. A full report will be prepared after the final surveys are done in November 2013.
Plant display project Discussion — Ray
The table comparing options for the display model was considered (see attachments below).
It was decided by the Network it would be good to have a small mobile display set up in which three events per year — one lower, one mid and one upper Mountains — are targeted on a trial basis.
Action: Clive to ask NPWS about the possibilities of using their trailer on these three days.
Our City our Future Community Forum – Paul
Mike and Paul and Alan were invited to represent bushcare in this forum run by Blue Mountains City Council that will discuss planning for land use (amongst other Council responsibilities) up until 2025.
Action: Mike to provide information at next meeting.
Bushcare Network Conference — working group
The working group of Margaret, Paul, Mike and Rob provided an update.
The working group will meet after this week and have made a checklist of all the planning items that the working group will work through.
A request to other members to feel free to add additional items to the list or query any items listed on an ongoing basis; no need to wait for the next meeting.
Fire Ecology Unit Community Monitoring Project — Clive
There are gaps in the research of plant species in the NPWS/DECW database on how species respond to fire. A monitoring program has been established to capture this information. Fire ecology unit would provide perimeters for monitoring for those who are interested. Clive advised that there was an opportunity for interested people in the Blue Mountains to contribute to this database.
Action: Clive to provide a small blurb with contacts for the monthly email.
Clarification of certain issues including ‘protected disclosure’ — Clive
Clive joined a networking page for foraging, found a possible noxious weed and reported it. As a result of his name being revealed through this process, possibly by a Council Officer, he has suffered abuse over the web.
Action: Paul to draft a letter to Council to support the principle of maintaining privacy, in line with legislative requirements for Bushcare volunteers.
Treasury report — Mike
$455.99 Current Balance
Meeting closed 8:50pm
Next Meeting 3 April 2013, Lawson
These minutes and their attachments may be downloaded as a PDF from here: Minutes of the Bushcare Network, Feb 2013